The puppet Biden is one more example of how the Democrat Party is owned by the same people who own Obama!
When the Democrat Convention is over, reality can set in and we can begin to right the ship of state.
For the past four years there has been an energetic civil war going on within the Republican Party. The East Coast Establishment, allied with the Deep State and the Globalists had been holding the leadership of the party since 1988, and only went into the shadows during the Reagan years. Conservatives and America Firsters were in the secondary position until Donald Trump arrived in 2015. With his winning the primary the East Coast Establishment refused to work the President and thus lost control of the Legislative branch and slowed Trump’s agenda. They then sat quietly as the Democrats stole the 2020 election. Common sense governing was again placed in “time out.”
And while the GOP split is not completely mended, and the battle not yet finished, the MAGA faction has spent its time defeating the Cheney’s, Bush’s, Romney’s with national populists loyal to Donald Trump, and more his agenda. At last there is a clear common sense majority running the GOP. So for the first time in my life time the Republican Party is anti war, anti Deep State, and anti moderate willing to trade everything away. America is looking to adopt a path into the 21st Century that will allow us to shape a world that can deal with a rising China.
Facing the GOP is a fractured Democrat Party. The Democrat Party is the antithesis of what it was in 1960. It is atheist, social-fascist, heavily influenced by un American and non American billionaires, China, and Islam. The transformation of our nation promised by former President Obama is suffering from an illegal immigrant invasion, a sapped American dollar that rests on a ballooning federal deficit, and economic decisions that are destroying American business, industry and culture. The Democrats have embraced three fantasies, man made climate change, WOKE social policies and a fiscal policy that ignores the laws that regulate economic national health.
And above all that, the Democrats feel confident they can conduct a public coup against their own President and impose a nominee that has demonstrated her complete inability to serve as a county commissioner, no less president of the USA. Jimmy Carville, the Clinton brain child helped the Obama - Pelosi cartel oust Biden.
Unless you are a communist, or a person who wants the destruction of the Constitution and the United States, it is impossible to understand how you could be a Democrat. The internal contradictions within the Democrat agenda, and the complete social disaster of Diversity - Equity - Inclusion which has led to a forced insertion of Islam into a Christian nation, creation of gender confusion that pits men against women in women’s sports, and finances local education through national debt is apparent to all. The partisan media speaks word salad loudly every day because there are no rational arguments for the insanity espoused by the Democrats from top to bottom.
When this week is over, the 70 percent of Americans who say the US is going in the wrong direction need to settle on Donald Trump and the America First agenda and create the perception through pollling that they will not tolerate states stopping the vote count with Trump ahead to find in the morning the election was stolen AGAIN.